"Life is too short to be serious all the time. If you’re not laughing, you’re not really living."
sibylla hotgo | brynhildr | cst

carrd template by cassiaslair.


  1. Hey, you! Thanks for stopping by. I'm the writer behind this goofball! I'm a 27 year old clown named Tessa, I'm very chill and relaxed, so don't worry about offending me. However, to keep it fun for both of us below are a few simple rules!

  2. I'm not picky on rp length. Just give me something to work with but i'll always try to mirror my rp partner's style. Third person only please.

  3. I have a zero tolerance for ASSHOLES. Be mean to Sibylla in character 100%. However if you are rude to me or my pals out of character multiple times i will cut you off. I'm too old and tired for drama.

  4. Sibylla is bisexual! Meaning I write romantic/sexual interactions with male, female, or more presenting characters. Platonic, enemies, family, etc. interactions are also encouraged with everyone! If our characters really click i'm down for the game marriage function!

  5. Wu/t = Yes!! RP tag on = feel free to approach. :)

  1. I am 18+ ONLY. I am adult woman and i do not want to rp with nor befriend anyone underage. This is non negotiatable. Okay with M/E/RP, but talk to me first! Check my c/

  2. Want to connect more than just ffxiv? My Discord is available! It's medizinzie

  3. Please do remember to keep IC and OOC separate, do not blur the lines as I am not my character.

  4. I LOVE OCS I love seeing peoples passion and full creativity into a character, I'de also love to see them under the MOONlight. Please /tell me about your characters, i want all the details. You never know i might simp for them. (which has happened more than i'de like to admit...)

  5. I can be AFK a lot, especially if you see me on /afk. PLEASE send me a friend request or a /tell. I don't ignore anyone. If I'm AFK in the quicksands I'm sleeping, usually with a friend :>


  NAME.   Sibylla Hotgo
  ALIASES / NICKNAMES.   Sibby, Sibine, Lil goblin, blue
  DOB | AGE.   1/24 | 25.
  GUARDING DEITY.   Halone, The Fury.
  HEIGHT.   5'3.
  GENDER | SEXUALITY.   Female. | Bisexual.
  JOB | OCCUPATION.   White Mage | Crafter.
  EYE COLOR | HAIR COLOR | SKIN TONE.   violet | midnight blue | light blue.
  NOTABLE FEATURES.   decorated horns, sharp teeth and lght facepaint.

Sibylla was born into the Hotgo tribe, a people known for their vibrant traditions and striking appearance. The Hotgo were a proud tribe of Xaela, easily distinguished by their blue hair and ever-changing face paint. Their people were deeply spiritual, tracing their ancestry to a mythical boy and girl who emerged from the belly of a steel giant, clutching a glowing black stone—a relic that symbolized the resilience and ingenuity of the Hotgo. For centuries, the tribe honored this myth, believing it to be the source of their vibrant culture and indomitable spirit.Her early years were filled with joy, learning the ways of her people and the intricate art of face painting, which the Hotgo used to express their emotions and connection to the spirits of their ancestors. Her mother would often tell her stories of the steel giant and the black stone, and how their ancestors had used it to bring light to the darkest of times. However, this light was soon to be extinguished.When Sibylla was just 12 years old, the Dotharl—a fierce and ruthless tribe—descended upon the Hotgo. Their raid was swift and merciless, leaving only devastation in its wake. Sibylla and her older sister had been out hunting and when they returned, they found their village in ruins, their loved ones gone. The once-vibrant Hotgo, with their ever-changing face paints, were reduced to lifeless forms scattered among the ashes.Heartbroken and alone, Sibylla wandered aimlessly until she was discovered by an elderly Elezen couple, who took pity on the young girl. They brought her to Ul'dah, where they raised her as their own. Despite their kindness, the trauma of her past never left SIbylla. The bustling streets of Ul'dah became her new home, but the shadows of the city fed her growing need for retribution. The face paint of her ancestors, once a symbol of joy, became a mask of vengeance.As Sibylla grew older, she drifted towards a life of crime. The crowded marketplace of Ul'dah was a haven for a skilled pickpocket like her, and she quickly mastered the art of thievery. Her talents caught the attention of the rogue's guild, a secretive group of thieves and assassins who recognized her potential. Under their tutelage, Sibylla also honed her skills in alchemy and crafting, learning to use her knowledge to create poisons, traps, and tools of the trade.Yet, despite her chaotic lifestyle and the thrill of the heist, Sibylla never forgot her roots. The memory of her tribe's destruction fueled her determination to survive, and she kept the Hotgo tradition alive through her ever-changing face paint. Each design she wore was a tribute to her lost family, a silent promise that their memory would not fade.Sibylla's reputation as a rogue grew, and with it, her infamy. She became known as the life of the party, a woman who could steal your heart as easily as your purse. Her warm demeanor and infectious laughter hid the scars of her past, but those who crossed her soon learned that beneath the charm lay a deadly assassin.She moves through the shadows of Eorzea, her heart torn between the life of a rogue and the legacy of her people. She takes on paid assassinations and high-stakes thefts, using her earnings to support her quest to reignite the Hotgo tradition. Despite the dangers, she clings to the hope that one day, the Hotgo will rise again, and the black stone of their ancestors will once more light their way. Until then, Sibylla continues to wear her face paint with pride, a living testament to the tribe that once was, and the warrior she has become.


  1. CONNECTIONS — Sibylla is on a personal mission to reignite the traditions of her fallen tribe. She’s looking for allies, scholars, adventurers, or even mercenaries who can help her rediscover lost Hotgo relics or ancient texts about her people’s history.

  2. CONTRACT? — A simple assassination or theft job has taken an unexpected turn.. maybe the target had more protection than she anticipated, or someone framed her for a crime she didn’t commit. Sibylla now needs help clearing her name or escaping a dangerous situation.

  3. THE PAINT — Sibylla’s changing face paint is not only a visual trait but a deep spiritual connection to her ancestors. When she meets others who are curious about the meaning behind it, she is hesitant but might reveal the emotional significance or offer to paint another’s face in Hotgo style.

  1. SEASONED THIEF — Sibylla is known as a talented rogue for hire, and word has spread of her capabilities. Perhaps she’s approached for a high-stakes job: stealing a rare relic, infiltrating a heavily guarded mansion, or retrieving something from a dangerous location. These jobs might also come with complications or hidden agendas.

  2. HAUNTED PAST — Sibylla has started to have strange dreams or visions related to the day of the massacre. These dreams could be connected to the spirits of her ancestors, the steel giant, or even the Dotharl themselves. She seeks out a seer, mage, or a scholar to help her decipher these visions, leading to an adventure steeped in mysticism and the supernatural.

  3. TAVERN REGULAR — Sibylla is known to frequent taverns and inns. Be it for the drink or stories and bonds, she can be found to be the life of the party. Offering her aid or belting her voice. At night with a drink in hand is the best time to see her ina relaxed and fun state.